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Lecture presented in the V Congress: Mankind and its possible extinction: Selfishness or Unitary Perception? (April 10-12.  México, D.F, Mexico). 


Friends, in previous congresses I have been invited to participate with an address but for several reasons it has not been possible. This year I do not want to let the opportunity pass, mainly because I believe that it would be very interesting to share with all of you a little bit of my perception and personal experience regarding the subject that brings us together today, which drew my interest from the first moment that it was proposed: “Humanity and its possible extinction: Egotism or Unitary Perception?”

The emphasis of my address will be placed more than anything else on procreation as a paradoxical factor, that on the one hand has very strong genetic, biological and social influences, and on the other hand is one of the most relevant factors endangering the continuation of the species both because of overpopulation and because of a lack of intelligence and compassion in daily life, so that that same humanity fails to see that its demographic growth is at the same time its own destruction.

Then, as I mentioned before, to share a little with you, how it has been and continues to be for Cecilia to have been able to abstain from procreation, this intrinsically biological tendency that apparently is part of the natural cycle of creation.

It is said that the only function of the gene is to seek its continuity, that we are constituted genetically and biologically for the reproduction of the species, be that as it may and when one studies biological psychology, it is not difficult to marvel at how well formed the human body is to seek that end. All of life on Earth supplies us with evidence of this marvelous fact.

One of the most important genetic inheritances that we are born with is the ability to learn, in the sense that experience generates behavioral changes in the living generation when its survival and continuity as a species is endangered. This ability to learn is a product of natural selection for a more rapid response and adaptation to a challenging environment and is not exclusive to humans, but is of all species.

Although I am not an expert in this subject, I mention it as an important point, because I have the suspicion that human beings do not appear to be using that ability and although everything is telling us that we have a high risk of disappearing as a species, we continue lethargically repeating and repeating our old patterns of behavior.

Faced with a panorama like this, why do we continue to reproduce in this suicidal way? It appears to me that humanity reproduces itself for many other reasons that equal or surpass the mere tendency of biological continuity. We can define those many reasons simply with the word “egocentrism”.

Humanity reproduces itself in an uncontrolled way in its illusory wish to give continuity to that psychological entity with which it identifies psychosocially and that seeks permanence (illusory of course) through its progeny as well as through the search in itself. (For example: we are going to have children to give some grandchildren to my parents, or because they want them, we are going to have children so that they look like us, so that they do what we could not do, so that they take care of us when we are old, so that we are not left alone).

We all know very well the destruction of a world society where inequality, injustice and degradation of humanity is the enslaving politics of the governments of the world, that the masses increase in a context of marginalization and a total lack of education, bringing with it aberrant behavior with consequences that are also aberrant in an environmental, moral and psychosocial context.  

So, it appears that human behavior is immersed in this duality, on the one hand we celebrate the arrival of a new being, the genes celebrate the triumph of their reproduction, but, on the other, once this event has been celebrated, that new being is left completely exposed to a civilization that is anti-life, genocidal and suicidal, a society that is completely unsuitable for children and now not even for adults either.

If we consider how the population indexes have been increasing since the year one thousand, we will appreciate how world population has increased geometrically and gigantically as well as how the serious problems of this egocentric civilization have increased. Chaos on the increase.

So, how much more is needed to learn that in this way the human species will have no other alternative but its own disappearance. Where is that ability to learn from experience? We already have enough evidence of extinct species and we know of others that are just as much in danger of disappearing.

The figures that show the growth of world population since the year one thousand to the present have been taken from The Dictionary of Demography in French.

According to the foregoing reference:

In the year one thousand there were 300 million human beings.

In 1750 there were 800 million.

The annual increase was 0.1 %.

In 1985 (in just 235 years) there were 5 thousand million human beings on the planet.

In the year 2000 there were already 6 thousand million.

In 2006 the number of human beings will exceed 7 thousand million.

Today the world increase in population is 3% annually.

So, although the fall in the mortality rate because of the scientific and technical advances in health issues is one of the factors that has generated this increase in the index of world population, it is obvious that there is also another important factor which is procreation.

The question then arises: Is this demographic growth the consequence of love or the consequence of egotism?

If I were to mention the increases in the percentages of divorce, child abuse, abortion, child exploitation, malnutrition, etc., the answer would not be so difficult to see.

The control of the population index cannot be through wars, epidemics, malnutrition as a result of extreme poverty, through abortion, homicide and other ways that are just as homicidal, but through true psychological mutation which makes us responsible and compassionate to the extent that we are capable of even transcending our biological tendency to reproduce, if dignified and favorable conditions do not exist for the healthy and intelligent development of that new being.

I am conscious of the fact that what I am saying could sound very hard, it is, it is very cruel, it is very sad, but unfortunately it is the truth.

In my case when this question of whether the world is suitable for children was put to Cecilia, she immediately repeated the slogan: “children are the hope of the world”, “if nobody had children we would disappear as a species”, I have continued to hear these same phrases hundreds of times in my twenty years of marriage. Humanity has never been in danger of disappearing because of scarcity of human beings.

The first time that I listened to that question: “is the world suitable for children?” It was put to me by the man who I had met only two months earlier and with whom I was married just as suddenly.

Rubén asked that we abstain from conceiving for at least a year and to keep the question present, without responding, until the answer would arise, from deep within my consciousness. Meanwhile I got to understand more and more the marvelous teaching of Unitary Perception that came to me together with that extraordinary human being who is my beloved husband.

At the start of our relationship I believed that I saw indifference in him to the most intense desire that arose in Cecilia to procreate. My parents, siblings and friends pressed me with the usual question: when are you going to have children? And in my loneliness I had to hide the tears that sprang up from that internal tension between the desire to be a mother and the necessity to be faithful to the bitter truth that was being presented.

Fortunately, beginning to live with Rubén was also to begin to understand the necessity of approaching reality from a new perspective for which reason at the same time there also began the interest for Cecilia to understand everything that this admirable man had to share, summed up in his definition of Unitary Perception: “Perceive everything perceptible at the same time, without effort and without expectation”.

There is no doubt that when one starts to have the hints of Unitary Perception as a living fact, it becomes difficult not to see that inside and outside egotism is the ruler of each daily act, and although procreation is a deep desire that comes from those entrails of clay that were perhaps threaded together by the Angels with the Divine Light, as it says in the Psalms in the Old Testament, that theoretically amorous fact of maternity is frequently riddled with egotism and arrogance disguised as love.

What could I reply to my dear parents at that time when they dreamt of those mythological grandchildren that would come from the womb of their youngest daughter. What could I say to them when my dilemma would not allow me to think in a clear way of an intelligent and compassionate response.

During the first twelve months of my matrimonial relationship the response was becoming more and more evident, even so, the question continued to resonate in my head: is this world that we have made suitable for children?

It was while understanding life in Unitary Perception that many blindfolds were being removed from my eyes, I began to see the reality that always had been there to be seen, and that one did not want to see for fear of discovering. I began to see clearly how our society is constituted and for the first time maybe, I saw Cecilia herself and her millenarian conditioning, ready to repeat itself in this perfect trap that we have created for ourselves and our children.

One morning I woke up with the firm understanding that in effect this world as it is, is not capable of producing a new human being and that Cecilia was part of that world; so that the desire to understand life in Unitary Perception right to the end together with Rubén was impressed on me, and my energy would be placed there from now on, in seeing at each instant the conditioning that constitutes me, and which can only be transcended at each instant in Unitary Perception.

And so it was that our intelligence overcame the inevitable desire to express our immense love in the form of children and right up to today I continue seeing in the same way.

To conclude, I believe that humanity is really in a critical period, physically, spiritually, socially and psychologically. I believe that for Cecilia it is and was important to ask this simple question: is the world suitable for children? And if I had to reply to the question that this congress has put to us today, I would honestly have to say that I do not know if humanity will survive, but I feel that egotism is not the way, as neither is the mere fact of procreating in the flesh without the necessary preceding birth of a new life in Unitary Perception, which gives us the true psychological mutation, and as a contingency the new consciousness that is related to love, intelligence, compassion and life.

I would like to end with a Biblical quotation of Jesus on the Way of the Cross, when He spoke with the women on the road, who were weeping for Him. He said: “Daughters of Jerusalem do not weep for me, weep for yourselves and for your sons, because the day will come when they will say, blessed are the breasts that never suckled and the wombs that never bore, because if they do this (Killing Jesus) when the log is green, what will they do when it is dry?

(Luke 23:28-31)

Judith Cecilia González Luna.