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Speaking about the beginning of Holokinetic Psychology in a summarized way and clarifying some things, in the first place, we see that the most common question is: If David Bohm formulated Holokinesis mathematically in 1986, why then in 2013 are there still relatively few people, few professors, few invitations to give introductory seminars, so few students in the Internet Courses in Spanish and English? How can it be?

And I had already initiated Holokinetic Psychology in 1978, after meeting Bohm.

Ignoring a discovery is nothing new. In the first place, we are pioneers and therefore unknown.

We are presenting (in the language of the marketplace) a “new product”, which is Unitary Perception and Holokinetic Psychology. So it is not surprising that so giant and rapid of an increase as we would all like is not seen. And we don’t have the means to pay television promotion either.

A rapid summary of the history of science is enough for us to realize that it already happened to Copernicus in 1542. Galileo Galilei, who was an expert on Copernicus taught Ptolemy. Copernicus spoke about Heliocentrism (sun as the center of the solar system). Was Galileo Galilei, one hundred years after that, in 1635, in Padua University, teaching Copernicus? No. He was teaching Ptolemy, who had died in the year 145 and who said that the Earth is the center of the solar system.

And why this hypocrisy? It was a hypocrisy that Galileo Galilei used to save his own life, because in 1635 he knew that Giordano Bruno had been burned by the Inquisition in the Vatican, in the Piazza dei Fiori in the year 1600.

Galileo was a man of letters and he knew the history of the “holocausts”, which were complete burnings of people, very often collectively, with more than a dozen victims at a time.

More than one thousand two hundred Cathars and Albigenses were burned, with their wives and children, in the south of France in the thirteenth century, in Montsegur.

Galileo knew about the holocaust of Jacques de Molay in the year 1314, Jan Hus in the year 1415, John of Arc in 1431, Savonarola in 1498, Patrick Hamilton in 1528, John Frith in 1533, William Tyndale in 1536, Miguel Servet in 1553 and Giordano Bruno.

After Galileo the holocausts continued (until Napoleon prohibited them in the year 1808), like Hugo Latimer and Nicholas Ridley in the year 1555, Thomas Cramner in the year 1556 and Petrov Avvakum in the year 1682.

Ann Boleyn and Catherine Howard were condemned to the stake, but the King of England Henry VIII took conjugal pity on them and ordered them to be decapitated.

Nowadays invalidation or demonization of innovative people is used, which is the equivalent of “burning them alive”.

Copernicus was a contemporary of Martin Luther and saw with what energy the Inquisition sought Luther, whom King Charles V ordered to be persecuted and killed “by any person in any place”.

Therefore Galileo, one hundred years later, was trying to save his life. Galileo knew how Martin Luther had been excommunicated and pursued, how Jan Hus, Miguel Servet and Giordano Bruno had ended up being burned at the stake, among others. He did not want to talk about Copernicus. And Copernicus began to be taught in the University after sympathizers of Napoleon imposed it with the sword, after the year 1830- French Revolution of July 1830.

And after Copernicus and Galileo, in the year 1727 Isaac Newton died. He had said that there was a gravitational force and described gravitation as a force that acted at a distance. And then the neo-Cartesians, who were the ones who followed Descartes (who was already dead) said that Newton was an esoteric occultist because he spoke about a force that acted at a distance, (universal gravity) and that could not be part of science.

Nobody has elements to reflect on Holokinetic Psychology which I have initiated except the defunct David Bohm.

Without knowledge of Holokinesis it is not possible to understand how I have structured my conclusions in Holokinetic Psychology.

David Bohm said that he was sustained on the shoulders of Albert Einstein and Einstein on the shoulders of Newton and Leibniz.

I am sustained on the shoulders of Bohm but he would not have been able to initiate Holokinetic Psychology.

King Charles V ordered Martin Luther to be killed “wherever he was and by whoever”, but on the other hand he initiated what is now the University of San Marcos in Lima and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Our dark side does not touch our luminous side. They are of a different nature, one is temporal and the other is not, one is egocentric and the other is not.

In the year one thousand AD, a miraculous peaceful act took place, which was the dialogue between the ancestral Persian, Arabic and Greek intellectuals. They all had been permanent enemies before that date.

Peace gives its juicy fruits.

Since then a more enriched science has grown, but that was still unacceptable to military men, priests and merchants.

This millenary attitude persists with tonalities of the 21st century.

The word mind carries with it a stigma, derived as it is from the different ancestral contradictions of the word “mind” in Arabia, Greece and Persia in the year one thousand AD.

Every intellectual of the year one thousand AD knew Medicine, Logic, Ptolemaic Astrology (already eight centuries old) and had a lot of tolerance to unknown things that had no support to be maintained or destroyed.

Plato influenced everything at that time, which continues to occur today.

Plato influenced more than Kristos and was introduced into Christianity, as a distorting factor.

The human being was “necessary” (temporal) or “possible” (atemporal) as occurs today.

In Holokinetic Psychology I introduce the possible man, for the first time in the history of psychology, and I do it in a simple way, because if it were done more simply, it would be lost.

I initiated Holokinetic Psychology in 1978, when David Bohm explained to me, in London, his plan to formulate Holokinesis mathematically in Physics, a formulation that was carried out in 1986 and continues to be hidden by the world Universities.

We met in California once or twice a year to polish the language.

In this study one has to go from fact to fact, in psychoneurological Precinct B (Unitary Perception), which implies reading my Written Work repeatedly.

Nowadays, in the year 2013 we still speak about the graviton, the gravity particle, without the particle actually existing. It is an invented particle, just as the tachyon was invented. Why? Because there is a particularist vision of science. And that particularist vision only changes in 1986 when David Bohm formulates Holokinesis mathematically.

Reality is undivided and in flux; it cannot be explained merely with invented particles.

Bohm tells us this scientifically.

The understanding of time is also completed. This means that the language has to be polished, which we did with Bohm during a decade of dialogues.

In the first place, it is not easy to digest. But the fatal thing is that David Bohm appears to have been swallowed by the polarization of the 20th century between fascism and communism, which distracted the world from recognizing a scientist who was a pioneer and a genius.

Fortunately I met Bohm in June 1978, and I was able to see how Holokinesis unfolded, at least in my mind. And inexorably I had to initiate Holokinetic Psychology, which is the first human activity that follows the mathematical formulation of Holokinesis by David Bohm.

Simply because I was there.

The mind is seen from the point of view of genetics (superficially) and from the point of view of learning… Because in 1948 Skinner had given conferences about learning and language-based learning. And in the same year Karl Lashley had given conferences to explain language and memory but based on holography.

And Karl Lashley went unnoticed in 1948, but on the other hand Burrhus Skinner went on to fame. The learning theory invaded the study of the mind, and so “everything is because of learning”. Everything that we do is because of learning. And our behavior is a product of learning, or conditioning, according to Skinner.

But it does not end there. In the following years, the beginning of the 90’s, informatics began to invade -to put it that way- the study of the mind and so one has to bring oneself up to date with informatics.

And recently, since the mathematical formulation by David Bohm of Holokinesis, holography has begun to be taken seriously. But all of this: genetics, learning, informatics and holography are part of the study of memory.

In other words, the mind continues to be seen as only memory.

Memory gives rise to thought, thought has a super-production which is the "self". And the mind is that, with imagination and fantasy. The mind is that.

And Holokinetic Psychology had to be initiated so that one could speak, begin to speak, of the fact that the mind is more than memory. The mind is also Unitary Perception: precinct B, psychoneurological Precinct B.

This is not easy to understand, beyond intellect, that is, in the day to day facts.

In those times, at the start, they spoke about language, whether it is learned or genetic, after the literature of Chomsky, in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT. But whether it is genetic or learned, language continues to be part of precinct C in Holokinetic Psychology.

And then we begin to seriously see, with greater depth, that the mind, just like optics and physics is an abstraction to do research. And that is important. That language and all the knowledge and all the beliefs we have, are cognitive systems which are cerebral holograms of genetic origin. And that is true for vision, for language, for walking, for cardiac circulation: cerebral holograms that are cognitive systems of a genetic origin.

Therefore, on initiating Holokinetic Psychology, I have to define the mind in two ways; there is no other remedy for it. Define it in two ways. Give the old to the old, and what nobody knew to what nobody knew.

For the old, the definition of mind begins by saying that it is the result of the interaction between the organism and the environment from the uterus until death.

But, in order to be able to respond to the enormous discovery of David Bohm, one has to add a second part to the definition of the mind, which did not exist. That is: The fact that the brain is psychoneurologically in contact with Holokinesis only in Unitary Perception, which is psychoneurological Precinct B, which does not follow the laws of Precinct C (the known: language, memory, the "self", thought). Those laws are: repetition, cyclicity, duality, the fact that it is unconscious, incoherent, temporal, that thought is hypnosis, that the language is egocentric. And that duality exists in thought as the foundation of thought. Thought (pensamiento in Spanish) comes from pensare in Latin which is to weigh, to compare. And finally, temporality as an inexorable feature of Precinct C.

But what are we speaking about? Neuropsychological abstractions based on laws. And those abstractions are psychoneurological Precincts A, B and C, which are subject to the two universal orders (implicate and explicate) and to Holokinesis, which is the movement from here to here between both orders.

This is the paradox of movement which David Bohm discovered. This paradox changes the very nature of science.

What am I saying when I begin to speak about this alone? -Because I was alone-

I was simply saying that the mind is more than memory. And that is, I believe, the most difficult thing to understand for any person of today who is based, in the best of cases, on studies in genetics, learning, informatics, holography and on psychology as we know it, with its thirty two manifestations before the appearance of David Bohm and before the author initiated Holokinetic Psychology.

What we are saying is that David Bohm completes the vision of the Universe and completes the understanding of the contact that we need to have with the Universe. And it is not only indirect, conceptual contact, but it can also be direct contact through Unitary Perception.

And so we introduce clarity and perspicacity into psychology. But now, psychology as science, beyond memory and beyond the technology of cybernetics and informatics, which had recently invaded psychology when I began to speak about Holokinetic Psychology.

Then, we have to focus on the fact that the mind is more than memory. And one of the most recent books that I wrote, it is now August 2013, is Titled “The Mind is also Unitary Perception”. Why? Because the mind is more than memory, and that is what we have to understand in order to start learning the difference between Precincts C and B, the difference between thinking and memorizing, and Unitary Perception.